Corporate Partner Levels and Benefits

Corporate Partners

Download a Corporate Partner Application

A Corporate Partner is a non-voting industry supporter of the Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) who is not solely in the direct practice of Aging Life Care™/care management as defined by ALCA, but has an interest in the field, including elder law attorneys, physicians, educators, researchers, employees of home health agencies, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, manufacturers or distributors of durable medical equipment or other products or services related to the care of elders. Partnership may include up to three company representatives. Free Senior Placement Agencies are not currently eligible to be Corporate Partners.

The ALCA Corporate Partner program offers several partnership levels and benefits. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Partnership levels are available to provide valuable resources and access to Aging Life Care Professionals®. Corporate Partner packages offer a combination of advertising opportunities in ALCA publications, webinars, and on the ALCA Website.

If a Corporate Partner has Aging Life Care Professionals®/care managers on their staff who qualify as ALCA members, we highly recommend at least one Aging Life Care Professional®/care manager become a member. These members will receive all member benefits, including listing in the Find an Aging Life Care Expert search, therefore bringing more value to Corporate Partner listings.

If a Corporate Partner provides Aging Life Care/care management services by Aging Life Care Professionals/care managers who do not meet the membership qualifications as defined by ALCA, those employees will not be eligible for individual membership and will not be listed in the Find an Aging Life Care Expert search. Corporate Partners providing Aging Life Care™/care management services are strongly encouraged to ensure any employee providing such services meets the qualifications of a member as defined by ALCA.


We recognize our Corporate Partners play an important role in the success of the mission and vision of the Aging Life Care Association. To reinforce the standards to which we are committed, we ask that our Corporate Partners agree to the ALCA Corporate Partner Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct:

  1. Work together with Aging Life Care Professionals to help adults and their families live well as they face the challenges of aging.
  2. Develop mutually beneficial relationships built on trust and respect.
  3. Conduct business with integrity, adhering to high standards of ethics.
  4. Comply with all applicable laws, rules, and industry regulations.
  5. Promote products and services in a transparent and honest manner.
  6. Employ pricing strategies and fee structures that do not include fee splitting, referral fees, or other similar arrangements that could influence an Aging Life Care Professional’s recommendations for their client(s). Discounts or pricing strategies that are passed along to the client are acceptable.

ALCA reserves the right to decline to accept, or discontinue, as a Corporate Partner any firm that is not willing or able to agree and adhere to this Code.

General Partner - $750
Senior / Assisted Living Partner - $1,000
Home Care Partner - $1,500

  1. Listing in ALCA Website’s “Find a Corporate Partner” section. Includes company logo, link to website and brief company description.
  2. Use of the ALCA Corporate Partner logo on marketing material and website.
  3. FREE Promotion of company’s educational events on ALCA Event Calendar
  4. Participation in one of ALCA's nine regional chapters **
  5. Subscription to the ALCA Listserv
  6. Reduced rates for exhibiting or sponsoring at national conferences
  7. Reduced advertising rates
  8. Partner rates for educational and professional products and events
  9. Access to ALCA’s digital resources  – Inside ALCA and e-flash newsletters
  10. Benefits extend to up to 3 company representatives

Additional Corporate Partner Packages:

Bronze Partner – $2,500

Includes all benefits at the Partner level plus:

  1. Recognition on ALCA website with link
  2. Advertising in ALCA publications*:
    1. 6 insertions in e-flash Electronic Newsletter
    2. 1 full-page ad in Inside ALCA (Spring or Fall issue)
  3. Participation in total of two ALCA regional chapters**

Silver Partner – $6,000

Includes all benefits at the Partner level plus:

  1. Premium placement on ALCA website with logo and link
  2. Advertising in ALCA publications*:
    1. Total of 9 insertions in e-flash Electronic Newsletter
    2. Total of 2 full-page ads in Inside ALCA (Spring & Fall issues)
  3. Invitation for one C-Suite Executive to attend Corporate Partner Advisory Group meeting with ALCA Board
  4. Facebook and Twitter mentions
  5. Participation in total of three ALCA regional chapters**

Gold Partner – $10,500

Includes all benefits at the Partner level plus:

  1. Premium placement on ALCA website with logo and link
  2. Advertising in ALCA publications*:
    1. Total of 12 insertions in e-flash Electronic Newsletter
    2. Total of 3 full-page ads in Inside ALCA (Spring, Summer, and Fall)
  3. One ALCA website banner ad for 90 days on internal webpage
  4. Sponsorships of one ALCA Educational Webinar*
  5. Invitation for one C-Suite Executive to attend Corporate Partner Advisory Group meeting with ALCA Board
  6. Facebook and Twitter mentions
  7. Participation in all 9 ALCA regional chapters
  8. One-time use of ALCA’s mailing list (message pre-approved by ALCA)

Platinum Partner – $15,000/$25,000***

Includes all benefits at the Partner level plus:

  1. Premium placement on ALCA website with logo and link
  2. Advertising in ALCA publications*:
    1. Total of 24 insertions in e-flash Electronic Newsletter
    2. Total of 3 full-page ads in Inside ALCA (Spring, Summer, and Fall)
    3. Total of 2 digital ads and 2 ¼ page print ads in the Journal of Aging Life Care™ (Spring and Fall)
  3. Two ALCA website banner ads for 90 days each on one internal webpage
  4. Sponsorship of two ALCA Educational Webinars*
  5. Invitation for one C-Suite Executive to attend Corporate Partner Advisory Group meeting with ALCA Board
  6. Facebook and Twitter mentions
  7. Participation in all 9 ALCA regional chapters
  8. Quarterly use of ALCA’s mailing list (message pre-approved by ALCA)

***Platinum Partnership option, limit to non-competing businesses - $25,000.

**Participation in additional chapters is available. Contact ALCA office for details.

Corporate Partner Application and Fees

Corporate Partner Application

If your company is interested in supporting our industry and is not primarily in the direct practice of Aging Life Care™/care management as defined by ALCA,  please download the Corporate Partner Application and return it with the requested documentation to the ALCA Office. Applications may be submitted electronically to [email protected].

Note: A $25.00 application fee is required for all applicants.

Annual Partner Fees (includes Chapter Participation)

Annual Fees

General Partner $750
Senior/Assisted Living Partner $1,000
Home Care Partner $1,500
Bronze Partner $2,500 
Silver Partner $6,000 
Gold Partner $10,500 
Platinum Partner     $15,000/$25,000 
Download a Corporate Partner Flyer

*Fee Structure for Corporate Partners joining at different times of the year:

  • Join between January 1st and June 30th, for full partner fees. $25 application fee applies. Partnership good through December 31st of current year.
  • Join between July 1st and September 30th, and pay ONE-HALF annual fees. $25 application fee applies. Partnership good through December 31st of current year. Benefits are prorated accordingly. 
  • Join between October 1st and December 31st, to receive “15 months for 12″. $25 application fee also applies. Partnership good through December 31st of incoming year.

For information about joining at the Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum Partner Levels, please contact Bonnie Leko-Shapiro at [email protected].

Aging Life Care Association® dues payments are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions, but may be deductible as business expenses. Please consult your tax advisor for guidance.