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 35 items in 3 pages
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When: January 1 – December 31, 2024
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When: June 6 – December 31, 2024
MRG - Solo Practitioners Group 1
When: August 2, 2024
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When: August 9, 2024
MRG - Solo Practitioners Group 2
When: August 21, 2024

Cancellation/Refund Policy for Events: The registration fee for webinars is non-refundable. Registrants who are not able to attend the webinar will receive audio & video files following the event. For clinical webinars, CE contact hours will not be available to those who are not able to attend the entire live event. In the unfortunate event that a webinar needs to be cancelled or rescheduled ALCA will notify the registrant by email and provide information on the new date or alternative arrangements. If the registrant is not able to attend the new date ALCA will refund the registration fee or place a credit towards a future event. The cancellation policy for all in-person events will be stated on the website and/or included on the registration form for the event.

ALCA Highlights