Recorded Webinars

How to Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 - Chris Williams

Let’s face it, sales and marketing are generally not an Aging Life Care Professional’s® strong suit. Yet, the competition in the “care management” / aging space is getting tougher and can be overwhelming. What makes YOU stand out from the rest? In this recorded webinar, Chris Williams shared some new ideas on how to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Learn how to develop strategies for determining who your target market is, what your niche is, why someone would retain your services, and how to start understanding how to market your uniqueness and stand out above the rest!

Converting Referrals into Business

Thursday, March 14, 2024 - Steven Barlam

As Aging Life Care Professionals®, you work hard delivering quality services for your client base, investing in outreach, and getting client referrals. Once someone calls in with the right needs, in your area, and with the ability to afford your services they are like gold -- yet they don’t always convert! Learn more about what the guiding principles are that lead to referrals turning into business. Join Steve Barlam on a scavenger hunt as we uncover the golden nuggets, proven processes, and actions that lead to increased business.

Recognizing "The Fragile Years"

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - Amy Cameron O’Rourke

Presented by Amy Cameron O’Rourke, in this webinar, the Aging Life Care Professionals will be provided with tools to help their clients adjust their expectations, lower their anxiety and teach their staff how to pace their work with their clients. Learning Objectives:

  • Accurately describe the stages within the Fragile Years
  • Know how and when to apply this concept with clients and their families
  • Explain how to frame clients health care and financial decision making within the concept of the Fragile Years

This ALCA event has been pre-approved for 1 CE hour from NACCM, CBRN, NASW, NYSED SW, and CCMC. Attendees must watch entire webinar and successfully pass the post-test to receive CEs. It is the responsibility of the participant to follow the steps to obtain the CEs. CEs available until December 30, 2024 for this event.

An Overview of Frontotemporal Dementias An Interdisciplinary Approach to Care for Patients and ALC Professionals

November 15, 2023 - Katie Brandt, MM and Brad Dickerson, MD, MMSc

Presented by Katie Brandt, MM and Brad Dickerson, MD, MMSc, this webinar will provide the Aging Life Care Professional members with a better understanding of Frontotemporal Disorders (FTD) and related non-Alzheimer’s dementia and young-onset and atypical Alzheimer’s Disease. Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the characteristics and how to diagnose the major types of Frontotemporal Disorders.
  • Understand the specialized care needs of this population and the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach to care.
  • Identify how engagement with advocacy can provide avenues for healing, hope and empowerment for families living life with dementia.

This ALCA event has been pre-approved for 1 CE contact hour from NACCM, CBRN, NASW, NYSED SW, and CCMC. Attendees must watch entire webinar and successfully pass the post-test to receive CEs. It is the responsibility of the participant to follow the steps to obtain the CEs. CEs available until October 15, 2024 for this event.

Let’s Take a Deep Dive into Continuing Care Retirement Communities: Are They Worth the High Cost?

October 18, 2023 - Star Bradbury

Presented by Star Bradbury, this webinar will educate Aging Life Care Professional members about Continuing Care Retirement Communities and the basics of contract options. Learning Objectives:

  • Explain options and better guide their clients on this topic of CCRCs.
  • Identify the governing structures and oversight of CCRCs to allow for best guidance and appropriate level of care for clients.
  • Differentiate the medical and financial admission requirements for CCRCs.

This ALCA event has been pre-approved for 1 CE contact hour from NACCM. Attendees must watch entire webinar to receive CE. It is the responsibility of the participant to follow the steps to obtain the CE. CE available until Sept 18, 2024 for this event.

10 Questions to Ask to Discover Someone's Legacy

September 26, 2023 - Matt Paxton

Presentend by Matt Paxton, Matt shares with Aging Life Care Professional members the top questions and resources Aging Life Care Professionals® can use to tactfully help navigate their clients/loved ones to discover their legacy. Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will learn/understand the benefits and importance of sharing/leaving a legacy.
  • Participants will learn about tools available to help people live a better life by downsizing/decluttering their personal belongings.
  • Participants will learn about resources available to share their memories and personal stories to ultimately preserve their legacy.

This ALCA event has been pre-approved for 1 CE contact hour from NACCM. Attendees must watch entire webinar to receive CE. It is the responsibility of the participant to follow the steps to obtain the CEs. CEs available until August 26, 2024 for this event.

Can Your Older Clients Drive Safely?

September 12, 2023 - April Ibarra, MGS

Presented by April Ibarra, MGS - In this webinar April informs Aging Life Care Managers about the ethical and clinical considerations for addressing the topic of when older drivers should have their licenses revoked. Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the ethical considerations that influence the responsibility of health care professionals in the decision to report concerns about an aging adult's ability to drive safely.
  • Identify the impact that declines associated with mobility, cognition, vision, and hearing have on an individual's ability to drive.
  • Review opportunities to assess an aging adults’ ability to drive and recommend appropriate modifications to support them behind the wheel.

This ALCA event has been pre-approved for 1 CE contact hour from NASW, CBRN, NACCM and CCMC. Attendees must watch entire webinar and successfully pass the post-test to receive to receive CEs. It is the responsibility of the participant to follow the steps to obtain the CEs. CEs available until August 12, 2024 for this event.

The Power of Deprescribing in Aging

August 23, 2023 - Dr. DeLon Canterbury

Presented by Dr. DeLon Canterbury, President/CEO of GeriatRx, Inc. In this webinar, Dr. Canterbury presents how Aging Life Care Professionals can act as deprescribing advocates and coaches who serve overmedicated seniors. Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the necessity for Aging Life Care Professionals® to implement Deprescribing within your practice.
  • Review available Deprescribing clinical tools to advocate for Deprescribing conversations with families.
  • Assess client medication profiles with a Deprescribing perspective while working with your pharmacist.

This ALCA event has been pre-approved for 1 CE hour from NACCM, Ca Board of Registered Nursing, NASW, and NYSED SW, and CCMC. Attendees must watch entire webinar and successfully pass the post-test to receive CEs. It is the responsibility of the participant to follow the steps to obtain the CEs. CEs available until July 23, 2024 for this event.

Long COVID and Other Residuals from the Pandemic

June 29, 2023 - Dr. Angela Hill

Presented by Dr. Angela Hill, Professor and Associate Dean of Clinical Practice at the USF Taneja College of Pharmacy, at the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the symptoms and causes of Long-COVID.
  • Explain the impact of Long-COVID on quality of health from Long-COVID.
  • Describe the psychosocial impact of the pandemic.
  • Discuss strategies to optimize physical and mental health in a post-pandemic era.

Bladders Matter! Urology Health for Older Adults

December 14, 2022 - Annemarie Dowling-Castronovo

Based on her Bladders Matter-Helping People Speak Up! article in the Summer 2021 issue of the Journal of Aging Life Careÿ™, Dr. Annemarie Dowling-Castronovo stimulated the interest of members in our New York region. Aging Life Care Managers® support aging adults and their caregivers – many of whom are part of the 33 million people in the United States suffering with urinary incontinence (UI). Participants will improve their ability to share evidence-based information about UI with their clients including key resources to share – and learn a tip or two for caring for their own bladder health.

Decision Making Capacity (DMC) Assessments with Vulnerable Older Adults

December 8, 2022 - Dr. Adria Navarro

Competent assessment of decision-making capacity (DMC) is a part of everyday practice for Aging Life Care Professionals. Chances are you have come across complex situations involving capacity and risk. Our practices require that we empower and support an older adult's self-determination while being sensitive, attuned, and ultimately responsive when support and/or protections are necessary to maintain a person's preferences, well-being, and safety.

How Does Your Business Compare? Industry Data and Tips from Aging Life Care™ Management Practices

November 15, 2022 - Holly Reigh

Learn how your Aging Life Care™ management practice compares to other practices across the country average revenue, average hours per Aging Life Care Manager®, average client load, and more. Learn where you can improve your company and how this data impacts your long-term company valuation.

Make Way for Gender Diverse Elders

September 28, 2022 - Mitchell C Hunter

Everyone seeks love and belonging on the way to connection–we are wired for it. Gender diverse elders are seeking services in record numbers and the number of individuals identifying as transgender/non-binary are increasing within the aging community. There are unique challenges, obstacles, and victories that our gender expansive elders face. New constructs of gender, gender identity, and gender inclusive language that center empathetic and respectful interactions create a move toward inclusive and welcoming environments. A dawning awareness of practical steps toward navigating and implementing more inclusive and equitable changes within your organization, facility, agency, and/or services offered can create the kind of authentic connection we all seek as we ultimately find we are all more alike than we are different.

ALCA Presents: Elevate Your Business by Partnering with a Daily Money Manager Business Webinar

June 16, 2022 - Colleen Duewel and Kay Bransford

Learn about Daily Money Managers (DMMs) and understand how they can become your best referral resource. In this case study, we will discuss how a DMM and ALCP worked in tandem to best serve individuals who do not have local family or loved ones and how this model can enhance your practice. During this webinar, the presenter will use several case studies to illustrate how ALCPs can work with DMMs to mutually support their clients through their complimentary skill sets while growing their practice and referrals.

Getting the Most from Google

January 26, 2022 - Natasha Beauchamp, MSc

It's true that Google is in many ways a "pay to play" game. Buying ads is the only way to guarantee placement on page 1 of a Search Engine Results Page. But Google does offer a few free opportunities that allow you to increase your ranking—and even a place on page 1—if you will take the time to reach out to others and be thorough and consistent. Join Tasha Beauchamp, MSc of Elder Pages Online as she walks through the GMB (Google My Business) page, Google Reviews, the NAP (Name, Address and Phone) and Map features of Google -- sharing strategies to help you maximize your exposure.

Preparing Now for Your Future: Why Now is the Time and This is the Place

September 21, 2021 - Gigi Blair and Rebecca Pearce

Every day, Aging Life Care Professionals help families prepare for their future. But how are you preparing for your own future? If you’re like other small business owners, you are so busy focused on your daily operations, you think you simply don’t have time to plan for your future. Join us for this web-based event to learn why you can’t afford NOT to build your business with your end-goal in mind.

Commonalities and Diversity Among Adult Protective Services Programs

July 20, 2021 - Andrew Capehart and Karl Urban

Adult Protective Services (APS) programs have many differences across states, but also many similarities. This webinar will briefly review some of the common factors among programs and detail the primary differences among them. The presenters will discuss eligibility, administration models, settings investigated, and types of maltreatment that each state investigates. The presenters will also discuss potential changes to the APS landscape as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Diversity for (Business) Sustainability

June 22, 2021 - Jennifer Crowley and Shanna Huber

Diversification of a business, with more than one area of service, helps sustain a practice while providing variation in the work. This creates a sustainable platform for Aging Life Care Managers who may not have the number of referrals or revenue from one particular service area or service type. Diversification helps expand services to create several income streams or revenue funnels.

What is Race & Why Does it Matter?

May 18, 2021 - Juliette Blount

What Is Race & Why Does It Matter? seeks to unpack the concept of race by exploring how we as individuals, as healthcare providers, and as a society define race. Through a deeper knowledge of the complexities of this important topic, participants can begin to understand how race impacts the care we provide, patients' perceptions, experience, and health outcomes.

Change is Hard: Shifting Family Dynamics as Parents Age

March 23, 2021 - Triff Cook

This presentation provides insight into how family dynamics shift as parents age. It covers how roles can change, conflicts siblings might face, and introduces the family resilience model as well as helpful strategies to use with a family in this situation.

Get More from Your Digital Marketing: The Latest Research on How to Reach Families Online

February 23, 2021 - Dallin Harris

When it comes to digital marketing, there are often more questions than answers. Where should I spend my time and money? What works, and what doesn't? Why is this all so expensive and frustrating? What do clients and families REALLY expect from me online?

The New Death and Dying: Changing Times and the Role of the End-of-Life Specialist

January 27, 2021 - Josephine Levy

Cultural norms surrounding death are shifting in the United States. Modern times have medicalized dying to the exclusion of social, emotional, and spiritual needs. This webinar will address a more comprehensive approach in shaping how we think about and engage with death and dying.

Virtually Reinventing your Aging Life Care™ Practice: Marketing Your Services in a Socially Distant Universe

September 15, 2020 - Tasha Beauchamp

For most Aging Life Care Managers, the pandemic and social distancing have drastically cut billable hours. And with standard methods of networking curtailed, the pipeline of new customers has slowed to a trickle. Scary. But crisis pushes for innovation.  Aging Life Care Association 2013 Outstanding Corporate Partner of the Year Award Winner, Tasha Beauchamp, will help you pivot to embrace online opportunities. Discover new ways to connect with referrers by repackaging your services for a socially distant universe. Topics covered include:

  • Reaching out to new audiences: The “Next Generation” client
  • Removing the friction in your sales process
  • Creating easy access short term services (that may grow to longer term)
  • Pros and cons of Zoom
  • How a remote client is different from one you meet in person
  • The ins and outs of creating pre-paid packages
  • Special billing challenges and how to solve them
  • New Marketing opportunities

Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory

July 14, 2020 - Andrew E. Budson, M.D.

Based on his award-winning book, Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: What’s Normal, What’s Not, and What to Do About It, Dr. Andrew Budson will explain how individuals can distinguish changes in memory due to Alzheimer's versus normal aging. In seven simple steps learn what medications, vitamins, diets, and exercise regimes can help, and the best habits, strategies, and memory aids to use.

The Use of Technologies in Elder Care: Ethical Issues in Practice

May 27, 2020 -Clara Berridge, PhD, MSW

Technology is profoundly human. It helps shape, and is shaped by, our social practices, including caregiving strategies. Some technologies with a surveilling component raise complex ethical issues and challenge our ideas of privacy, dignity, and autonomy. Internet-connected technologies (Internet of Things/IoT) can track a range of behaviors to detect changes or manage risk with memory loss. But are these intrusions welcome? With its strong focus on caregiver needs, industry struggles to ensure that innovation is responsive to the needs and aspirations of older adults. In this webinar, Dr. Berridge will reflect on ethical contours of care technologies and illustrate how devices both embody and challenge values that matter to older adults.

Advocating for Clients in Skilled Nursing Facilities: How the Medicare "Maintenance Standard" Applies

March 19, 2020 -Moriah Adamo, Esq.

Aging Life Care Professionals® are advocates for the rights of their clients in skilled nursing settings, but it can be difficult to get your client the services they need and are entitled to. How often have you heard from skilled nursing facility staff that your client must be discharged because they aren't making progress? Have you heard the word "the patient has plateaued" one time too many?

Building Value at Different Stages in Your Practice's "Life Cycle": Preparing for What’s Next

February 18, 2020 - Todd Pfister

What factors increase the value of your business? How do they vary based on the lifecycle of your company? During this webinar, participants will learn how to determine the current lifecycle stage of your Aging Life Care business and explore next phases including selling, partnership, or other possibilities. Based on this assessment, the presenter will help participants identify the value drivers of their business such as growing, maturing or successfully transferring the business and help ensure that you’re focused on the right ones -- at the right time. Learn how to build a solid financial foundation so that you can correctly value and/or increase the value your business.

Life Insurance Settlements – Benefitting Your Client…and You!

January 29, 2020 - Lisa Rehburg

Many clients are looking for additional sources to fund their health care and long-term care needs. One asset that most people don’t consider is their life insurance policy. 500,000 seniors a year lapse their life insurance policies, walking away with little or nothing. Why? They no longer want or need the policy, and don’t know there is another option. Through a life insurance settlement, a client can sell their unwanted policy for a lump sum of cash. This cash can be used to pay for their care needs.

Goal: Introduce the audience to what a life insurance settlement is and how it can be useful as a funding source for clients’ care. We bring the audience through all aspects of life insurance settlements from their history and regulation to the types of clients where they work best through to how much a policy can be worth.

Culturally Responsive Practices for Aging Life Care Managers®

October 10, 2019 - Genisha Metcalf

This webinar is designed to identify key aspects of developing culturally responsive practices for practitioners working with older adults. The goal of the workshop is to explore how various forms of identity such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion can impact work with clients. The workshop will also explore the ways we voluntarily and involuntarily display identity, power and privilege in our work.

Looking into the Aging Life Care Management Crystal Ball: How Predicting the Future Grows Your Client List

September 17, 2019 - Amy O'Rourke, MPH, CMC

This webinar on proactive planning will help to inspire Aging Life Care Professionals to build a strong network around their clients and will help enhance the connections between elder law attorneys, financial planners, and the elder’s family. This session will teach professionals how to navigate obstacles that they will face with educational anecdotes and humorous stories.

The overall goal of this session is to better educate the audience on the importance of anticipating the needs of each individual aging person and to help the elder age with dignity and in a way that they have chosen.

Multiple Sclerosis: What Every Aging Life Care Manager® Needs to Know – Information, Services & Support

August 15, 2019 - Emily Smith, LICSW, LCSW, LCSW-C, MSSMC, Katrina Rudd, MSW, LICSW

This session will provide an overview of Multiple Sclerosis, including information about how the disease is diagnosed, the different types of MS, and the treatment and management strategies that are currently available. We will take a more in-depth look at some of the most common symptoms of MS, particularly those that may not be immediately visible or apparent and will provide Aging Life Care Managers with tips and recommendations for how to work effectively with clients who are experiencing those symptoms. Lastly, we will discuss the wide-ranging emotional and financial impacts of MS on both clients and their families. ALCMs will be provided with information about programs, services, and supports that are available through the National MS Society and other relevant organizations.

The overall goal of the session is to provide Aging Life Care Managers an overview of MS as a disease, how it impacts people, and provide care managers with a strong foundation on the services, support, and tools needed to serve clients living with MS.

Referral Sources: Networking and Marketing to Reach this Key Audience

June 13, 2019 - Connie Parsons, MBA, Lisa Mayfield, MA, LMHC, GMHS, CMC

Relationships are the key to a successful Aging Life Care Management business where over 75% of clients come from referrals. As an entrepreneurial ALCM, you must be an adept networker and a strategic marketer leveraging both offline and online communications to maintain relationships.

The goal of this webinar will be to help Aging Life Care Managers understand the importance of referral sources for their businesses and give them tools to start and maintain long term relationships, online and off.

Creative Approaches for Home Modifications to Optimize Safety and Accessibility

May 8, 2019 - Gregg and Karen Frank

Home modifications allow older adults to remain in the home they love even after a recent medical compromise. This webinar will educate Aging Life Care Managers® in a variety of home modifications, specialty products, durable medical equipment, and customized construction projects to promote safe and accessible living environments for their clients. We will review how an Aging Life Care Professional can recognize possible obstacles in the home and facilitate the home modification process to assure an optimal, functional outcome. Many products and home improvement projects will be identified that when implemented will reduce falls, provide access, promote independence, and prevent caregiver injuries. This event will include an in-depth discussion regarding key components and specifications of home modification interventions including stair-lifts, grab-bars, stair-rails, vertical platform lifts, elevating toilet seats, ceiling lift systems, etc... Evidence based practice in the form of real-life examples of outcomes generated by the implementation of modifications will be presented in before and after pictorial format and resources for project funding will be identified.

Be Prepared: Crisis Communications Strategies for Aging Life Care Professionals®

April 11, 2019 - Leslie Larson

Crisis communications is as much a risk management task as a public relations effort. With proper planning and training, those serving an aging population and their families can ensure that should an unfortunate incident occur, it can be managed. This can be the difference between a crisis that is controlled and one that threatens a company’s reputation, morale, marketing and sales efforts and, ultimately, its bottom line.

Just as you urge your clients to proactively develop an aging plan for their relative, aging care professionals should also develop a crisis plan that can mitigate any business interruption or damage to their reputation with a crisis communications plan.

Infections in Older Patients: Antimicrobial Resistance and C. difficile Colitis

February 27, 2019 - Dr. Wack MD

It’s Time to Run Your Circus! How to Be the Ringmaster of Your Work and Life

January 15, 2019 - Jones Loflin, MEd., President

In your struggle to get everything done, what’s not happening? Answers probably include, “No chance to think strategically at work” or “Lack of quality time with family” or even “No opportunities to do something just for me.” You’ve given up on time management… you would be happy to just to have 30 minutes each day to use as you wish. The constant pressure, guilt, and sense of being overwhelmed can literally have you feeling like you’re juggling elephants! What to do? Jones Loflin says the solution lies in running off and joining the circus… at least mentally.

In this powerful yet practical webinar, expect to learn how to take more conscious control of your time and energy to ensure that what you say is important actually gets done in all areas of your life. From becoming a better ringmaster to taking more “intermissions,” you’ll leave this session better equipped to handle the tsunami of stuff coming at you every day. Ultimately, you’ll get bigger standing ovations from the most important person in your circus audience…YOU!

Emergency Preparedness for Aging Life Care Managers®

December 4, 2018 - Liz Barlowe, MA, CMC, Dianne McGraw, MSW, LCSW, CMC, Deborah Liss Fins, LICSW, ACSW, CMC

Do you know how to protect yourself and your clients during an earthquake, hurricane or flood? What about a tornado or fire? Or extreme winter weather? We hope you won’t ever need it, but chances are you might - and this experienced group of Aging Life Care Professionals® will share first-hand experience what you need to know to prepare for and how to handle the effects of these emergency situations. They will also share the new Business Contingency Planning Standard as well as the Standard for Continuity of Service. They will also discuss what you need to do in order to maintain the ability to operate and support clients and staff during and after an emergency and to guide recovery efforts as quickly as possible.

The Biopsychosocial Puzzle: The Effects of Chronic Pain, Opioid & Alcohol Addiction in Older Adults

November 7, 2018 - Dr. John Dyben, DHSc, MCAP, CMHP

Alcohol and opioid addiction with chronic pain among older adults threatens life and quality of life. How the solutions may become the problem is explored in a biopsychosocial, context. Dimensional, nonopioid treatment is the future of humane and authentic recovery. Dr. Dyben will present new insight and share effective tools to help Aging Life Care Professionals® evaluate the presence of opioid/alcohol addiction, and support addiction recovery and humane pain management for holistic, meaningful life with healthy function for older adults. The overall session goal is to present new insight and effective tools in aging care practice, in order for ALC Professionals to evaluate the presence of opioid/alcohol addiction, and support addiction recovery and humane pain management for holistic, meaningful life with healthy function for older adults.

Hire Staff, Get More Clients – Which Comes First?

October 18, 2018 - Chris Williams, Co-Founder of Wide Awake Business

Get more clients and staff! Decide to hire first or get new clients – the chicken and the egg theory. Chris Williams with Wide Awake Business will share a unique formula and tools to measure the needed number of staff versus the number of clients. Participants will learn a simple straight forward hiring practice and determine milestones to decipher how many clients your practice must have to enable you to hire comfortably.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss and demonstrate benefits of hiring Aging Life Care Management team to serve clients.
  • Analyze your business needs to expand Aging Life Care Management services to more clients.
  • Utilize tools and assessments to create a plan to service more Aging Life Care Management clients.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease: Similarities & Differences

September 25, 2018 - Deborah F Boland DO, MSPT, Physician, Owner Be Mobile Neurology

This webinar will focus on specific similarities and differences of Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease.

The goal of this webinar is to promote the development of clinical expertise and high ethical standards for Aging Life Care™/care management through clinical, legal and ethical sessions.

Participants will be able to:

  • identify the different types of dementia that may have parkinsonian features
  • describe how the different types of dementia present related to parkinsonian features
  • understand when the onset of cognitive impairment and dementia occurs in Parkinson’s Disease

What Aging Life Care Professionals®/Care Managers Need to Know About Reverse Mortgages

August 22, 2018 - Patty Wills, Jennifer Cosentini, and Michael Kressin from the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association's Education Committee

Aging Life Care Managers™ who work with older homeowners may have clients who currently have a reverse mortgage loan on their home or who may be considering a reverse mortgage to supplement retirement funds. To help Aging Life Care Managers understand reverse mortgages better, the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association is please to present a webinar even that will explain:

  • How these unique home equity loans work
  • Situations where they make sense
  • Ongoing obligations of the loan and what happens when the borrower moves or passes away
  • Alternatives to reverse mortgages

The National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA) is the national voice of the reverse mortgage industry, serving as an educational resource, policy advocate and public affairs center for lenders and related professionals. NRMLA was established in 1997 to enhance the professionalism of the reverse mortgage business.

NRMLA’s Commitment to Education: NRMLA is working to educate professionals who work with older adults about how reverse mortgages work, who may benefit from one, and the ongoing obligations of the loan. Two years ago, we hosted our first Reverse Mortgage Education Week which included a series of webinars that outlined various ways home equity can be used to manage the costs of aging.

Our mission is to educate consumers about the pros and cons of reverse mortgages, to train lenders to be sensitive to clients’ needs, to enforce our Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility, and to advise policy makers on reverse mortgage issues.

The Key to Becoming a Successful Public Speaker: Improving Your Influence and Impact with Stories

June 19, 2018 - Michael Davis, Your Public Speaking MD

Have you ever listened to a presentation that left you spellbound, hanging on every word, and eager to take action on the speaker's message? Ever wish YOU could do this? You can, when you master the power of business storytelling. In this engaging and interactive webinar, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to craft a memorable and meaningful story that "sells" your message and your business. Additionally, you'll create the first version of a story that you can immediately put to use in marketing your practice. This story format works for all ideas. If time permits, there may also be live coaching for brave souls who want to test their stories.

Mental Health & Dementia

May 17, 2018 - Jason Schillerstrom, M.D.

This session will focus on the intersection between mental health and dementia. Depression, psychosis, agitation, and other symptoms that may be risk factors for or consequences of dementia will be discussed. Approved and off-label treatments for the behavioral challenges of elders with dementia will be discussed.

How to Never Lose an Insurance Appeal

March 15, 2018 - Michael Newell RN MSN

LifeSpan Care Management has successfully collaborated on insurance appeals for Medicare, Medicaid, commercial health insurance, long term disability insurance, and long-term care insurance over the last 12 years of practice. Since the Affordable Care Act provision that mandates that care be covered while an insurance appeal is filed, there is an opportunity for care advocates to show value to their clients, with ROI’s upwards of 40/1. An understanding of insurance coverage, clinical care, and validated outcomes measurement tools enables successful advocacy for clients and families who are denied coverage.

Serving as a Client’s Decision Maker: The Pro’s, The Cons and What the Aging Life Care Professional® Should Consider

February 27, 2018 - Deborah Liss Fins, LICSW, ACSW, CMC

Sometimes you know a client best. And you are skilled in supported decision making. Should you take on a formal decision-making role or limit your role?
Many Aging Life Care Professionals struggle with this boundary. Explore what the Aging Life Care Association Standards of Practice say, what Aging Life Care Professionals® do in real life, and how to determine your most appropriate role for your clients and your business.

The goal of this webinar is to help Aging Life Care Professionals understand the pros and cons of taking on a decision-making role with clients and how to integrate into practice.

Supporting Decision Making in Older Adults

January 23, 2018 - Angela Ghesquiere

Many older adults, including those with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias and those with intellectual of developmental disabilities (I/DD), may benefit from support with healthcare, financial, and other major life decisions. This training provides an overview on the ways that Aging Life Care Managers™ can assist older clients with decision-making.

The goal for this webinar is to enhance elder service providers knowledge and skills around supporting clients' decision-making.