EZ Onboarding Modules for ALC Professionals


Available on demand — SIX Onboarding Modules — designed to get your new care management employees up to speed and ready to get out in the field providing valuable (and billable) services to clients.

Through six prerecorded modules — developed by ALCA leaders — your new care manager will take a deep dive into the eight knowledge areas of ALCA, learn about diversity and providing services with cultural sensitivity, journey through the details of assessments, care plans and implementation of services, as well as expand their knowledge of legal and financial considerations.  

As a practice leader, free up your own time and let the EZOnboarding Modules round out a new employee's knowledge, build their enthusiasm and competency working with older adults — deepening their connection to and understanding of the profession of Aging Life Care™.

The sessions are pre-approved for NACCM CMC CE Contact Hours and can be requested upon completion of all modules with signed affidavit.

Registration Fee: $399.00*

Module 1 – Aging Life Care Management 101 – Liz Barlowe / Jennifer Pagano

Module 2 – Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity – Kizzy Chambers / Jaimee Friedlander

Module 3 - Evaluation and Assessment of client and family need – Steve Barlam / Jill Melvin

Module 4 - Development of Goals and Plan of Care – Nancy Avitabile / Jacqueline Weissman

Module 5 – Implementation and coordination of care – Rebecca Montano / Victor Alcala / Liz Caldwell

Module 6 - Legal and Financial considerations – Connie McKenzie / DeeWynn Cox

*Discounts apply for ALCA All In practices. There are also discounts available for additional purchases from the same company. Contact [email protected] for details and discount code. 

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EZ Onboarding purchase is per person and not to be shared.

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024