Find an Aging Life Care Expert Search

The search below will help you find an Aging Life Care Professional®. Members of the Aging Life Care Association® have specialized degrees and experience in human services, such as social work, psychology, gerontology or nursing, and are expected to adhere to ALCA’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. However, ALCA cannot warrant the qualifications or performance of any particular Aging Life Care Professional, nor is ALCA is responsible for the conduct of any person included in this database. Consumers and their families should exercise their own due diligence in selecting an Aging Life Care Professional.

Click on the tab that best matches your search criteria.

  • To search by ZIP code use the first tab. Look up a ZIP Code here.
  • To search by Name, Company, or City/State, use the second tab.
  • For International members, click the third tab.


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Listing in this database does not constitute an endorsement, referral, or statement of qualification by ALCA, nor does ALCA screen or evaluate those listed. Users of this directory should determine for themselves the qualifications of any care manager prior to utilizing his or her services. ALCA is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any Aging Life Care Professional.

Authorized Use of Directory: This database is the property of ALCA. It may be utilized solely for the purpose of assisting consumers and professionals in identifying and locating Aging Life Care Professionals. Any other use of this directory is unauthorized and prohibited, including use for commercial solicitation purposes, as well as the sale of the information contained herein.

This database and its contents may not be copied, appropriated, or subject to any process in the nature of data mining or extraction. Any person in any manner accessing this database is presumed to consent to all of the foregoing restrictions.